Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Private Internet Access (PIA) Sold to Israeli Firm

This is old news but I have been thinking about it lately because my PIA subscription is about to end.

PIA(Private Internet Access) had a pretty solid reputation in the community with challenges in court from law enforcement attempting to gain access to their VPN logs and PIA did not give up the logs. It is the loyalty to their customers that made them one of the best VPN providers. has observed that PIA users are not happy about this move and many PIA subscribers are moving to other VPN providers: 

Users took to different forums expressing their disappointment and how they were “ready to jump ship.” The reason? Kape happens to have a not-so-bright past shedding doubt on the ability of PIA to protect the privacy of its customers under their control.

To further elaborate, Kape Technologies was originally found under the name of Crossrider in 2011 developing advertising apps until they changed their name in 2018. However, their software was treated as malware by companies such as Malwarebytes and Symantec begging one to ask, how can such a company despite rebranding itself change the shoddy culture that it had?

I am currently looking for a new VPN provider and if you are a PIA member, you should probably investigate for yourself to determine if you want to go with another provider.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

CEH V10 Complete Course on YouTube

You can find plenty of courses online where you do not have to pay for accessing the videos.

YouTube has plenty of courses on their site and here is a CEH V10 video course I found on Youtube.

I plan on getting a couple of ethical hacker certifications so I usually try to find a lot of different sources for study materials in preparation for the exams.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Republican Elizabeth Warren

Just a reminder that Elizabeth Warren was a Reagan Republican. She attempted to masquerade as a progressive in the 2020 primaries but it immediately became apparent that she was in the race just to block Bernie Sanders.

Republican Elizabeth Warren

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

"There are 'better ways' to help people than writing out a check" Bernie Sanders

Last year Bernie Sanders said "there are better ways to help people than writing out a check". By making this dumb statement and his inability to discuss a Black agenda with African-Americans, Bernie lost any change at dominating on Super Tuesday. He also lost any chance of receiving the majority of the Black vote in the 2020 Democratic Party primaries.

Bernie on The View getting the stink eye because of his views on reparations

Here is the link to the article from March 2019.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Added a Redirect

I decided to redirect blogger to my domain for the time being so look for more changes in the future as I continue to post about cybersecurity and politics.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mayor Pete Supporter Dance


This is not only a group of political supporters but also a group of cultists with no rhythm

Monday, October 28, 2019

Katie Hill -- Nazi Democrat

Katie Hill is a Congresswoman from California. I do not care about her sexual lifestyle,fetishes, or anything of that nature. I do care about the iron cross tattoo that she has near her genital area!

The iron cross is one of the symbols that the Nazis used and that white supremacists currently use as tattoos. Now what is interesting is that she is a Democrat. Democrats like to preach about inclusiveness but they are still operating under a system of white supremacy and most will do anything to protect that system. This woman has probably smiled in the face of Blacks yet she is a hardcore white supremacist.

What this should tell you is that you should not trust any political party because both are controlled opposition to herd the people and make sure they do not vote for true change. Republicans are in your face with their prejudices but Democrats are deceptive in that they will smile at you and act like they love Black people but then go and actively work against anything that will benefit Black people.

The propaganda machine known as the United States Media are focusing on the nudity and completely ignoring the bigger story of the iron cross tattoo.

Do not listen to any of the excuses that her team puts out on social media. The tattoo she has is not the logo of a skateboard company. It is the symbol of white supremacy!

So it begins....Again

Kinda new blog
The leaf turns over
Enjoy the reboot
Stay tuned

Monday, July 27, 2015

Backup Exec Job Error e0009413

I received this error while investigating backup jobs at work.

I resolved this error by uninstalling the backup agent on the server and reinstalling the agent manually on the server with the backup issues.

A local (manual) installation of the Remote Agent for Windows Systems (RAWS) and Advanced Open File Option (AOFO) can be performed by following the steps below:
  1. Copy the RAWS32 or RAWSX64 and MSXML (for Backup Exec 2010 / 2010 R2 / 2010 R3) folder(s) from the Media Server to the remote computers local drive.
    1. The default path for the above mentioned folders is 'X:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Agents' ('X' is the drive letter where Backup Exec is installed)
    2. For Remote Agent installation on:
      • 32-bit system: Copy the RAWS32 folder.
      • 64-bit system: Copy the RAWSX64 folder.
  2. Go to the remote computer and open the RAWS32 or RAWSX64 directory which is copied on the remote server.
  3. Double-click on Setup.exe file.
    1. Turn off User Access Control (UAC) for Windows 2008, Vista or 7.
    2. It is recommended to right-click on Setup.exe file and select 'Run as Administrator' to avoid any access issues during the installation process.
The RAWS folder can be found on your backup server on the C drive. Copy this folder and then paste it on the desktop of the server having the backup issues. Double-click the Setup.exe file and you're good to go.

Hope this works for you.